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Archive for the ‘ SEO & SMM ’ Category

Website development is not about designing a website and uploading it on the World Wide Web (www). The important whole point of making a website is for people/user to see and revert back to the client for business and further information. That is where the Internet Marketing Strategy comes into play and the use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If the page design and developed does not achieve better ranking in search engines, then the whole point is lost.

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Internet Marketing SEO

IT Niche is an Internet Marketing firm designed to help businesses and organizations enhance their online presence and branding. Based in Memphis, Tennessee, IT Niche works to provide top-shelf service and products that will give even the smallest company.

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Whenever you want to search something on internet, you enter your query, and then you get a long list of your search results. Usually people will not go for checking out all the results, but only those on the top of the list. Users generally tend to look into websites that are at the top of the list assuming those to be more relevant to the query. Have you ever wondered how and why these websites rank higher than others? Sometimes it may happen that you have designed your website, uploaded all the files and set up your blog, but still not getting any visitors. What is the reason for that?  The answer to all these questions is SEO. SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s “natural” or un-paid search results.

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Social media marketing is a growing trend in the online world of search engine optimization.

In essence, social media marketing, through SEO, starts a back-and-forth conversation with any targeted, or potentially targetable, clientele. Finding them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Myspace, blogs, YouTube, and anywhere in between, companies are taking note of what is “in” with said clientele thanks to social media marketing. Also, by doing so, web trafficking increases, product interest increases, profit increases, and customer satisfaction increases; the more customers are satisfied, the more they will blog positively on it, and the cycle social media marketing continues.

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On-Page SEO is the optimization of the elements of an HTML page for Google search. This typically includes content and tagging.

Title Tag: It is the most important on-page SEO factor. When search bots index your page, the <title> tag is the first thing they look at. It tells them what the page is about. On your Home page, write a Title Tag that represents the overall theme of the website and looks good to your visitors as well. A perfect Title tag should contain the most important keywords closest to the beginning. Many recommend mentioning your brand at the end of the title tag.

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