Achieve on-page credentials to get robust website

"Create Submission", "Back-Links" & "References Leverage" "Social Media" & "Lead Generation Tools"

Internet Marketing Solutions

SEO, SMM & Internet Marketing on Steroid !!!

Your very first step of Internet Marketing is to have a website which is W3C compliant & Responsive.

Internet Marketing Services

You simply are spinning the wheel and reaching nowhere if you don't have inbuilt credentials within your own website which is industry standards. Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other search engine will not take your website seriously if it is not built right. Getting your website created so that you have no code error is "The Very First" step. There is no substitution to having your website built right at the first place.

A Good Website should be:

  • Aesthetic & pleasing Design
  • W3C Compliance
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Responsive

Irrespective of size of your project these 3 credentials are absolutely must for your website. Having established these credentials the fun begins. Now you are thinking about "How can I get Traffic to this wonderful creation?"

Your next step is an absolutely free, no obligation brain storming session with our "Internet Marketing Experts". What we are going to do is sit and plan over all objectives of your website. This includes mapping your business process and setting up basic strategies like reporting mechanisms, different ways you can run your promotions etc.

On Page SEO Optimization

This image is not a typical outcome or standard conclusion of what your website needs. You may not want to be active in forum and have RSS feed coming or going out of your website. Hence the layout of your objectives will LOOK different. However the basic idea is to get a "Macro Level Clarity" of what exactly are the components we have to address for the website.

Now having creating the looks and feel, having achieved the functional goals of website, we move to the next step i.e. Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

At the root of search engine optimization is nothing but your website itself. It is commonly referred as "On-Page Optimization". Google, Bing or Yahoo (for that matter any search engine) does not understand or see your website as your see it visually. For all search engines the website is just an collection of HTML tags. We have to embed those credentials in the code and explain the search engine in the language it understandings what is what. There are scores of tags like "Title Tag", "Meta Tag", "Description Tag", "Alt Tag" etc.

Online Internet Marketing Services

This is a basic representation of tasks we perform for you in optimizing your website.

Having done this we have to NOW work on "Off- Page Optimization".

"Off-Page Optimization" is yet another way of saying "Internet Marketing" i.e. leverage internet itself to promote your website. This include a whole lot of actions you can take.

Complete SEO services for online marketing

Now the social media landscape which is one of the many ways you can strengthen your off-page optimization is getting really crowed. It is just not possible to be there on every social media platform. Managing and monitoring the presence on some of them can in itself be a massive tasks. Just to give you a sneak peek at the landscape how it looks is like the image below.

internet marketing through social media & SEO